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Foods that make you fit

Fruits   THAT  Enhace your muscles 1  . Cucumber 2. 🥕 carrots 3. Cabbage 4. Apples 5. Pineapple 6. Paw paw 7. Mangoes

Tips of the month

  Healthy hy tips of the week 1. Drink 2 glasses of water in the morning, to prevent CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE 2. Avoid eating hot cassava flakes(garri)  to avoid MYOPIA (short sighted) 3. Don't eat too much carbohydrates to avoid DIABETES 4.   If you are above 40 years of age, avoid late night food ,as it can cause system breakdown and WEAKNESSES . 5. Maintain a healthy diet to prevent PROSTRATE ENLARGEMEENT in the future(men) 6.  Exercise at least 5 minutes daily OBESITY (gaining access weight 7. Maintain a healthy sexual life to improve the HEART RATE PERFORMANCE ( married couples recommended)


How to prepare EGUSI soup with fresh tomatoes. INGREDIENTS TO USE... 1. Grinded fresh tomatoes 2.pumpkin leaf(vegetable) 3. grinded EGUSI ( depending on the quantity of soup you want to cook) 4.punmó and meat 5. fresh pepper and dry fish 6 . Oil and stock fish 7. Ice fish and crafish 8. Seasonings and salt for taste   HOW TO PREPARE 1.  Heat your pot, add red oil allow to heat,  2. Add onion and fresh tomatoes and stir for some minutes wait for the tomatoes to dry . 3. Add EGUSI, and stir  4. Add your parboiled stock fish, grinded fresh pepper, ponmó, dry fish and knorr seasoning cube. 5. Add salt to taste and a little water and stir for complete mixture of the ingredients. WAIT FOR 15 MINUTES. YOUR SOUP IS READY TO BE SERVED For more information.. email us @  Comment below and  SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel@ africanrecipes

How to prepare vegetable soup

How to prepare African vegetable soup ingredients to use 1. Pumpkin leaf 2. Stock fish 3. red oil (desired ammont) 4.seasoning(maggi star,) 5. Ponmo & dried fish 6. Meat & crawfish(optional) 7. Salt for taste 8. Onions, water leaf, ugu,   9. Okazi PROCESS OF PREPARATION 1. After heating your pot 2. Add red oil ,allow to heat 3. Add your onion,stir & wait for few minutes 4. Add water leaf, Okazi and pumpkin leaf 5. Add dried fish, and parboiled stock fish and stire 6. Add your seasonings(maggi cube or knorr cube) Then wait for 15 minutes ....... YOUR DELICIOUS VEGETABLE SOUP IS READY .. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT BELOW.........

5 habits that can kill you while eating

Five habit that can kill someone while eating.  No 1. Talking while eating       2. Hurrying while eating        3. walking around while eating          4. Exercising immediately after eating             5.Eating very hot food.

10 things we take that affects our mental health

  Here are 10 food scientifically proven that affects our mental health... 1. Fried egg 2. Oil with high cholesterol 3. Excessive taking in of soft drinks 4. Too much consumption of alcoholic drinks 5. Colanuts 6. Intake of hard drugs 7. Smoking 8. Taking flour balls (buns) with sprite 9. Too much intake of casava powder(garri) 10. Too much use of seasoning when cooking... Please Read and comment below..

5 IMPORTANT ingredients you need to prepare a delicious fried rice.

  5 ingredients used for cooking fried rice.. 1. Carrots, green peas 2. Cabbage 3. Salad cream for salad 4. Liver 5. Meat(optional) 6. Green pepper 7. Curry powder 8. onion 9. Tumeric 10. Sweet corn, maggi cube, salt to taste