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5 IMPORTANT ingredients you need to prepare a delicious fried rice.


African recipe

5 ingredients used for cooking fried rice..

1. Carrots, green peas

2. Cabbage

3. Salad cream for salad

4. Liver

5. Meat(optional)

6. Green pepper

7. Curry powder

8. onion

9. Tumeric

10. Sweet corn, maggi cube, salt to taste


Evan Jacobs said…
That's a nice one...please I would love to come over to Nigeria to taste this stuff myself
Unknown said…
I trust it will taste nice, I believe in your ministry
Phil said…
Chei, the rice looks yummicious. Nice recipe
Unknown said…
I trust it tastes nice...I believe in your ministry
Unknown said…
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful..I will give anything right now to have another taste of this ur delicacy!!
Unknown said…
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful..I will give anything right now to have another taste of this ur delicacy!!
Unknown said…
So lovely n appetising. Will sure give it a trial. Thanks dearie
Anonymous said…
Fabulous dear
Keep fighting
Anonymous said…
Wow. So yummy 😋. Keep it up my dear
Anonymous said…
this is so beautiful 😍
Well done my baby

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