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Showing posts from July, 2022

Easiest ways to prepare a good meal

Easiest ways to prepare meals without stress. 1.. make sure to bring all the necessary things you need close to your cooking position 2.. keep tour mobile phone aside to avoid distraction while cooking. 3..prepare all that needs preparing before you start cooking. Eg slicing your onion, parboiling your stock fish and meat etc. 4..stay close to your food untill it's done to avoid burnt. 4.. wash the dishes ( plates and bowls)used to prepare the food while the food it's getting ready. 5... Don't get lazy. Cooking is fun

How to prepare ugba salad meal

How to make ugba with stock fish When preparing some dishes , there are somethings that needs to be put into consideration. Things like 1.. what do I need to prepare this dish? 2.. Do I have enough condiments and ingredients I need for making this dish? 3.. How would this dish taste when an outsider grab a taste of it.? 4.. how will people classify the dish through the aroma they percieve. 5.. will I be given credit for preparing such meal.      Ingredients you need to prepare ugba salad meal. 1.    Buy your ugba in any Igbo local market. 2.. buy your cow skin(kponmo) or cow head 3.. get ur dried fish or fried one . 4..your pepper ,salt,and your Maggi for taste. 4.. Get your red oil and your potash.. TO KNOW MORE ON THIS TOPIC , PLEASE DO EMAIL US WITH THIS TOPIC'S HEADING 👇@

Recipes for African salad 🥗

  Recipes for preparing African salad (Abacha) in igbo Africa is a continent full of diverse cultures, beliefs and of course food. In the western part of Africa, Nigeria is located and in South eastern Nigeria a tribe called igbo tribe is located. This tribe is know for their diverse cultures and food preparation techniques. We are going to look into some recipe used in preparation of this African 🥗 salad. Firstly this salad is produced from cassava locally harvested and processed with a hand tool called the cassava scraper( locally) after peeling the back of the cassava, the then wash and scrape the cassava gently with the scraping tool.  Cook the scrabed cassava which is now inform of cooked spaghetti for 1 hour. Remove the starchy water and wash 2 to 3 times toake sure the starch is totally removed. Let's jump in to the recipe needed to prepare this delicious meal.. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS RECIPE EMAIL US WITH THE HEADING OF THIS TOPIC WE WILL RESPOND 👇 Africanrecipe31@gm...

4 most essential tips you must know before preparing bitterleaf soup

  Things to know before preparing  bitterleaf soup 1.   Make sure to wash the bitter leaf properly to remove  it's bitter taste after buying it from the market.  2..note that enough red oil is needed while preparing bitterleaf soup,  so don't economize.  3.. Do make sure to use enough ingredients while preparing a bitterleaf soup so as to give you a desirable taste.  4.. Make use of seasoning to spice up the meal and to give a better nose impression. 

What you need to cook banga soup.

  Ingredients you need to prepare Nigerian palm fruit soup(locally called banga  soup)  Palm fruit is a product of palm tree. In Africa,  there are many ways it can be use in the preparation of food for consumption. It can also be used for many other products both local and industrial.  Here in AFRICAN RECIPE , we are going to discuss some essential ingredients you need to prepare a Nigerian  palm fruit soup,  otherwise locally known as bangas soup. For first timers, read to the end.  First thing you need is the palm fruit  1.. Gradually process the palm fruit locally with your hands  👐 in a bowel with few cups of water depending on the quantity of the palmfruit you have. Till the nuts are removed leaving you with oily water in the bowel and some Chaf. Separate the water from the chaf .the oily water is what you need for the start. Other ingredients include 2.. Maggi seasoning, pepper🌶  3..meat, crafish  4.. Pumpkin Vegetable...

Get Best results in food combinations.

4 food combination that will make you younger this 2022 Have you ever thought about the food you eat?,  it's effects on the body.  Well generally,  food is  anything we eat to get energy and nutrients. Each Food we eat daily has its own effect either negative or positive. Some food causes total system (body) failure which leads  to severe sickness, and death while some nurishes the system(body)and  makes the body younger even at old age. Food combination  helps to reduce effects of some toxic food which has high alcoholic or natural acidity level. Let's see some food combinations below 1.. Boiled yam (white)  with vegetable sauce.  NOTE.  no heating of oil(frying) while preparing.  2.. Cucumber with groundnut. 3.. Boiled meat (red meat exempted? and porage potatoes. And other combinations which u You know. 


  5 things cucumbers do to your body system  1. It helps to regulate the heart beat rate 2. Cucumber cleanse the veins for a direct flow of blood  3. Cucumber prevents dehydration   4. It helps to maintain the skin smoothness  5. As a vegetable it is,  it helps the blood tissues to coat faster when there is an injury on the skin.


  5 benefits of cooking with curry leaves .  1. Curry leaves reduces fast aging 2. It stops hair loose 3. It helps the body's neurons  4. It stops scalps when applied on the face